Not Only Must Andrews Resign, The ALP and Liberal/National Party Must Too, And The List Doesn’t End There

The Herald-Sun’s court jester conservative, Andrew Bolt, has once again been given space to have a pointless rant about why Dan Andrews should resign. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do think he should resign. I also think that his resignation needs to be followed by the rest of the Labor Party, Brett Sutton, Jerome Weimar, and anyone else involved … Read more

Will Union Members Finally Wake Up?

Today we saw the frustration from experimental medicine mandates, unscientific lockdowns, and curfews finally boil over. Union members vented their frustration, and concerns about being sold out to CFMEU State Secretary, John Setka. And, like a child being told off, the Union movement has closed ranks and denied that members were involved. They have even gone so far as to … Read more

Lisa Neville And Shane Patton MUST Resign

Looking at footage of the protests from yesterday, Saturday, and one thing is abundantly clear. Both Police Minister, Lisa Neville, and Police Commissioner, Shane Patton must resign. They have either allowed a poor culture to infest the force, or they are ignorant whilst it developed. And, they also deliberately put officers in harms way for the sole purpose of media … Read more

Leadership Spill Won’t Help The Liberal Party

Tomorrow Micheal O’Brien, is facing a challenge from within the party about who will be the best person to lead the Liberal Party into the next election. Pundits are indicating that Matthew Guy will be his replacement. Regardless of who it is, the key to the survival of the Liberal Party isn’t its leadership, it is its relevance to those … Read more

The Opposition Is Failing Victorians

During today’s COVID Press Conference, when asked about the suspension of the Legislative Assembly, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said: I think if you ask Victorians, umm, whether, its, ah, people giving speeches on the floor of the parliament is as important as getting jabs into the arms of people, or contact tracing, or, you know I’m not apologising for the … Read more

State Of Emergency Extended Because Of A Guess

Today, the 17th report to Parliament on the Extension of the Declaration of a State of Emergency was tabled. At 339 pages, it will make for an interesting read, if you want to wade through it all. Though the important part of the report is contained in pages 127 to 149. This is the letter that the Chief Health Officer … Read more

Applying For Accreditation

Part of, what seems to be accepted practice here in Victoria, is for those who want to become a journalist is to join the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), which is, for want of a better term, a Union. Now to be honest here, I have applied to join, though as part of the application, I need to provide … Read more

Sky News Australia’s Ban Shows Why Big Tech Should Be…

Sky News Australia has received a 7 day ban from uploading new content to its YouTube channel for allegedly breaching community guidelines. As to be expected, those on the left are having a field day. They are claiming that the channel spreads misinformation, are “COVID-denyers”, “anti-vaxxers” and all sort of things. Those on the left are also using this ban … Read more