Tomorrow Micheal O’Brien, is facing a challenge from within the party about who will be the best person to lead the Liberal Party into the next election.
Pundits are indicating that Matthew Guy will be his replacement.
Regardless of who it is, the key to the survival of the Liberal Party isn’t its leadership, it is its relevance to those who they want to vote in their favour.
And sadly, or fortunately for the Labor Party, they haven’t been doing too well in that area.
Throughout this whole State of Emergency declaration, we have seen very little from them in the conventional sense as an Opposition party.
While I may be mistaken here, as a snippet may have not been seen, I haven’t seen anything from them where they have challenged any of the decisions that the Andrews Regime has made.
Now, I am not saying they should challenge things for opposition sake.
It is more about challenging things to keep the massive creep in authoritarianism in check.
I’d be willing to predict that once the dust has settled after November 2022, that they will lose more than a few seats.
If they genuinely want to form government in 2022, they need to make what the Andrews Regime is doing now, a political issue, and run with it into the next election.
Yes it is risky, though it is said, the greater the risk, the greater the reward.
Draw a line in the sand and oppose the plan to have two classes of citizens in Victoria.
Give Victorian’s the freedom to choose whether they get a jab for a particular virus, the same way they do with every other medicine that is out there.
Repeal the provisions of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act that authorise the draconian measures we are going through.
And the list goes on.
What the Liberal Party needs is to find someone who is willing to lead.
Not someone who is playing catch up to what the Premier does.
If they don’t, the leadership spill is nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.