Lisa Neville And Shane Patton MUST Resign

Looking at footage of the protests from yesterday, Saturday, and one thing is abundantly clear. Both Police Minister, Lisa Neville, and Police Commissioner, Shane Patton must resign. They have either allowed a poor culture to infest the force, or they are ignorant whilst it developed. And, they also deliberately put officers in harms way for the sole purpose of media … Read more

Applying For Accreditation

Part of, what seems to be accepted practice here in Victoria, is for those who want to become a journalist is to join the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), which is, for want of a better term, a Union. Now to be honest here, I have applied to join, though as part of the application, I need to provide … Read more

DPP Joins WorkSafe In Deadly Hotel Detention Fiasco

Twelve months (supposedly*) after starting their investigation, WorkSafe Victoria is finally getting help from the Victorian Department of Public Prosecutions. According to the Herald Sun, the WorkSafe Victoria probe into the Andrews Government’s deadly hotel quarantine * fiasco is being referred the Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria to “test” whether criminal charges should be laid. The possibly self initiated investigation … Read more

Dan’s Story Doesn’t Add Up

Taking a leaf out of Peter Beattie, the self-confessed media tart’s handbook, Victorian Premier Dan Andrews is attempting to control the narrative, and rewrite history, about what happened with his “fall”. Except the awkward part is, the story in his glossy production doesn’t match up with those already released by the Victoria Police, and Ambulance Victoria. Dan’s Version In his … Read more