Episode 01: RDA, FWC and a coming false flag event

Notes from the show Reignite Democracy Australia’s “Fair Work” post. Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 204 Compensation (1) A person who suffers loss as a result of a decision by the Chief Health Officer to give an authorisation to an authorised officer under this Division may apply to the Secretary for compensation if the person considers that there were … Read more

How Do We Push Back?

Before I begin, I want to make it perfectly clear that this piece is informational only, and is not legal advice, a call to arms or anything like that. This is simply my thoughts on what I would do, and what I would like to see others do. So, here we go. Here we are at the end of July, … Read more

The “Otherising” Is Increasing

Today’s corporate media are masters are otherising people to turn the majority against them. And this campaign against those who question the Pandemic narrative is no different. The more often they do it, the easier it is for average person to think of them the way that the corporate press is portraying them. The easiest way for the corporate press … Read more

Dan’s Story Doesn’t Add Up

Taking a leaf out of Peter Beattie, the self-confessed media tart’s handbook, Victorian Premier Dan Andrews is attempting to control the narrative, and rewrite history, about what happened with his “fall”. Except the awkward part is, the story in his glossy production doesn’t match up with those already released by the Victoria Police, and Ambulance Victoria. Dan’s Version In his … Read more