Episode 01: RDA, FWC and a coming false flag event

Notes from the show Reignite Democracy Australia’s “Fair Work” post. Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 204 Compensation (1) A person who suffers loss as a result of a decision by the Chief Health Officer to give an authorisation to an authorised officer under this Division may apply to the Secretary for compensation if the person considers that there were … Read more

The Opposition Is Failing Victorians

During today’s COVID Press Conference, when asked about the suspension of the Legislative Assembly, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said: I think if you ask Victorians, umm, whether, its, ah, people giving speeches on the floor of the parliament is as important as getting jabs into the arms of people, or contact tracing, or, you know I’m not apologising for the … Read more

State Of Emergency Extended Because Of A Guess

Today, the 17th report to Parliament on the Extension of the Declaration of a State of Emergency was tabled. At 339 pages, it will make for an interesting read, if you want to wade through it all. Though the important part of the report is contained in pages 127 to 149. This is the letter that the Chief Health Officer … Read more